Friday, November 7, 2008

comm models: object postcard


Veronica said...

This object is very clearly rendered in a positive tone.

The object is on a bright, friendly orange-yellow background which plays up the toy's fun green star detail. The cropping gives the toy plenty of space, almost like you have room to start playing with him. The offset positioning works well, it gives it a more casual and less confrontational feel. The clear, direct photography also emphasizes the positive tone. The only shadowed area is behind the figure and the shadow is relatively light.

The transmission mode is representational, since it is a direct, non-abstracted photograph.

There is minimal noise, so it does not affect my interpretation.

Sheila W said...

Yes, I agree. One of my major concerns with this first postcard was noise - the vinyl toy itself is an unusual object, and in these initial steps, I want my audience to be able to clearly identify what it is.