Monday, March 22, 2010

dp::refining, iterating

I've been working on a 'tagging' system which uses a common toolset, but presents a distinct difference between when users tag themselves versus tagging brands. For the self tagging, I worked with a circular arrangement of words.

When tagging brands, the tag clouds are presented in a more modular arrangement. Here, inputed words brand off from one another, depending on the connotation of the word itself.

Additionally, a motion graphics element is something I'm looking to incorporate into this project as well. Some sketches on possibly compositions and layouts. I also think I need some other typeface than just simply Serifa.


Josh Eithun said...

He Sheila,

i really like the very goemetric, 3d space using shape!
Maybe your tagging cloud, ext could relate to that shape somehow? Using demensional / skewed words?

loooookin' good!

Josh Eithun said...

i know how to spell dimensional, don't worry.
