Thursday, January 15, 2009

considering my collections

While I am not sure exactly why I collect some of the things that I do, there's definitely a sort of inspiration and tangible comfort drawn from amassing them. Some assortments I'm considering for the upcoming semester:

a.) vinyl toys - definitely my largest collection of "stuff." gleaned from numerous trips to booksellers, comic book stores, urban outfitters and online perusal.

(left: 'totem doppleganger' toy from kidrobot.)

b.) keys - with four total, this is still a budding collection of sorts.

(right: metal key made to promote the upcoming Coraline movie. I found them in a small Boston bookstore. The shopkeeper said I could take one, but I took three because I'm shameless like that.)

c.) scarves - at first acquired because of necessity. although now i can't imagine what kind of necessity would require a person to have seven scarves.

(left: a christmas present.)

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